You have heard it said that money cannot buy happiness. We beg to differ. If cleaning is not your favorite activity (come on, be honest,) then getting your home cleaned by Accent Maid Service can indeed buy happiness.
National, chain cleaning services are almost as easy to find as your local Starbucks. But cars wrapped with advertising and catchy jingles don’t equate to a quality product. The difference between national cleaning services and a local outfit often comes down to what they omit from their sales pitch.
Our employees complete a full assessment of each home during every visit, but we place special emphasis on our spring cleaning tasks to ensure your home is sparkling as the seasons change. Below are some of the highlights of our spring cleaning checklist:
One of the biggest mistakes house cleaning services make when servicing a home is not caring for marble properly. Marble provides homeowners with a classically beautiful appearance. But marble also requires a heightened level of maintenance awareness to ensure it retains its luster.
Well, according to my understanding of the IRS and its rules, it is by having an individual clean your house and not doing the requisite things – and doing them on time: w-4’s, w-2’s, quarterly reports, setting up an account and remitting money to the IRS each quarter – by computer because the IRS doesn’t like paper anymore.
in that last installment I suggested that air cleaners were an ideal way to clean the air and thus help keep your house clean by capturing much of that dust. As described in that installment I became interested in the question when my wife began having significant upper respiratory issues that suggested that the air was not clean enough. Which is to say she sneezed and wheezed. Made it hard to hear the television. So I looked for and found several air cleaners that have since been part of our successfully addressing the clean air problem.